
TurnPark Art Space was envisioned as a place where all people could come together to be inspired by artistic expression, natural beauty and the chance to engage in a vibrant, inclusive community of questioners and seekers. In order for us to achieve the stability necessary to bring this future growth to TurnPark Art Space we need your help. This is a dynamic and welcoming space dedicated to building communities that celebrate inclusion, diversity and joyful, creative expression.

Tiers of membership

Neighbors (West Stockbridge residents) - free
Individual - $100
  • Unlimited access to TurnPark's spaces for a year (1+1 guest)
  • Notification of special events, performances, and exhibitions
  • 15% discount to all ticketed events of the season
  • 10% discount at TurnPark gift shop
Family - $150
  • Unlimited access to TurnPark's spaces for a year (2+2 guests)
  • Notification of special events, performances, and exhibitions
  • 15% discount to all ticketed events of the season
  • 10% discount at TurnPark gift shop
1 year
Additional donation

Please fill out the information below. Enter your name as you want it to appear on your membership card.

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